News & Insights

Catch up with our inaugural Bennelong intern Claire Zheng

July 19, 2017
min read

During  the UK summer, Jeff & Carena caught up with Claire Zheng at the  BennBridge offices in London.  Claire or Zhao as she is also called had  some very exciting news.

Claire  was the first recipient of the Bennelong Foundation Scholarship &  Internship offered through the University of Melbourne. She won a place  to study at Cambridge University in the UK which in itself was a great  achievement.  She has successfully completed her studies at Cambridge  and along with two of her fellow students recently won the King's  College Entrepreneurship Prize! She has set up a company called RoboK .

The  RoboK team are currently filing the patents for their invention, which  is a novel system intended to be the next generation of robot control.  The team’s project addresses limitations in the safety and efficiency of  existing robot control methods by implementing a unique and low-cost  solution. The team believes that revolutionising how robots are  controlled in the future will unlock many more commercial and functional  possibilities.

Read more about  RoboK and the King's College Entrepreneurship Prize HERE

Claire  emailed to say – “ In this project, I am mainly involved with business  models, strategies and finances and my past experiences at Bennelong  have been extremely valuable. I was able to relate to lots of things  I have learned in private equity and accounting for our project.  So  again, huge thanks for the past few years at Bennelong!  There  is still a long way to go and lots to learn for me, but I do hope to  share with you this (small) good news and let you know that I am really  thankful for the opportunities I had at Bennelong! “