News & Insights

Oakhill Food Justice Farm Visit

April 26, 2022
min read

Last week, the Bennelong Foundation community had the privilege of visiting Oakhill Food Justice Farm. Oakhill Farm distributes 100% of the produce grown to the local community and food relief initiatives and offers training in urban agriculture, building food systems literacy and empowering local community members. Bennelong Foundation is currently funding the Oakhill Farm through their collaboration with Sustain: The Australian Food Network, a unique and dynamic not-for-profit focused on transforming urban agriculture and food systems in Australia.  

Jemma, the amazing farmer at Oakhill, took us on a tour of the property, where we explored the numerous plants, fruits and vegetables growing. After our tour, we created signs for the numerous foods being grown at Oakhill and filled and prepared a wicker box for planting. We finished the day with a delicious homemade soup topped with freshly picked herbs accompanied by a salad made with handpicked vegetables. It was fantastic to be out in the community again, and we were fortunate enough that it was school holidays and many of our Bennelong community members were able to bring their families along to participate.